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Deployment Options

Customize Your Deployment, as easy as 1-2-3.

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We’ve mapped out a comprehensive, straightforward, tiered set of options to best serve your business needs.

On Premise

  • NEMESIS to be deployed on client’s server.
  • Client has full access to NEMESIS and all its features and functionalities.
  • Clients are enabled to build NEMESIS models and other artifacts on their own server.


  • NEMESIS team will maintain all product features.
  • Product is licensed to clients for the duration of the license (Code base is owned by NEMESIS).
  • Product training provided to clients with purchase of product license.
  • Product support included with purchase of product license.
  • Data is owned by clients (Data security included).

On Demand

  • NEMESIS is accessible via the cloud.
  • Client has full access to NEMESIS and all its features and functionality.
  • Clients are enabled to build NEMESIS models and other artifacts on the cloud.
  • NEMESIS experts are available to clients when aid is requested, via the maintenance agreement.
  • Cloud Installation: AWS, Azure, Red Hat, OpenShift, GCP, IBM cloud.

NEMESIS as a Service

With our premium deployment option, clients don’t pay product license fees, incur implementation expenses, or deal with training staff.

Access to your data and a monthly retainer are the keys to the simplest and fastest results you’re looking for. We handle the data preparation, modeling, discovery of insights, upgrades, and proactively tackle remedial action on behalf of your business.

Allow our highly trained engineers to bring the power of NEMESIS to your business.

NaaS includes:

  • NEMESIS team processes the client’s shared data, providing the results via the INSIGHTS dashboard.
  • Client has full access to INSIGHTS dashboard, as well as the CASE MANAGEMENT feature, where you are able to classify transactions as “FRAUD” or “CLEAN” for other business purposes.