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Athena for Payer and Credit Risk Management

You’ve collected data for years. How are you leveraging it to limit future risk?

Aviana’s advanced AI analytics risk models help you:

  • Learn patterns from your historical AR/collections data to tell you which borrowers will most likely pay.
  • Predict settlement and recovery amounts so you can forecast cash flow much more accurately.
  • Score and rank future borrower risk against true historical patterns for your customers in your markets specific to your financial instruments and offerings.

Managing Credit Risk

Managing credit risk refers to the strategy of protecting an organization from loss due to a borrower’s failure to make payments on any type of debt. Beyond helping you with risk profiling which helps mitigate future risks, Aviana’s AI analytics models also help you reduce the debt you are currently carrying by scoring and selecting which borrowers will more likely pay and how much of a payment will be recovered. You can then more accurately model and forecast settlement cash flows.

Aviana’s Analytics Models

Aviana’s analytics models learn from your historical data to find trends which will help your team recover debt much more quickly. We help you rank which borrowers you will most likely recover from as well as predict how much you will recover. You can then more efficiently deploy resources by prioritizing which borrowers to zero-in on first.


300% improvement in efficiency of deciding which nonfilers to go after first.

Aviana’s analytics models are used in scoring:


new debts per year (100K/day)


tax returns per year for refund fraud and identify theft (30K/hour)


delinquent non-filers


tax preparers for fraudulent filing

The benefits attributed to Aviana’s models include:

  • Improved Audit Selection: $14M
  • Improved Filing Enforcement: $385M
  • Improved Refund Fraud Detection: $136M
  • New Preparer Fraud Detection: $3M
  • Improved Debt Collection: $2.2 BILLION

Our Approach:

  1. IDENTIFY suspicious patterns across multiple, disparate groups
  2. Provide clear INSIGHTS about the nature of the anomalies
  3. Score and prioritize potential SUSPICIOUS behaviors to go after highest-yield cases first
  4. Support case investigation to take ACTION & STOP fraud schemes
  5. LEARN from case resolution patterns and continuously improve detection

Aviana’s team of senior analytics consultants has deep experience with IBM Watson AI, IBM SPSS Modeler, R, Python, Tableau…and every major analytics solution on the market.

Proven Success with quantifiable results:

Improvements to California’s state collections models generated over $400 million in additional revenue in just the first two years.

California Department of Child Support Services

Development of predictive models to identify new and established child support payors at risk of skipping payments.

State of New York Child Care Subsidy Fraud

Identify anomalous patterns of child care services that could indicate fraud occurring at family, provider and payment level.

California Department of Health and Human Services

2017 MediCal Program Integrity Data Analytics award.
Medicare and Medicare programs integrity.

State of Ohio – Data Analytics Expert Firms Pre-Qualification RFP

Life Sciences & Public Health.

Research and Insights

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